Getting ready for a fashion show. May 12 2017, 0 Comments
Whenever I have a fashion show to participate in , I'm excited, but nervous. Watching fashion shows when I was a kid always had me on the edge of my seat, and even now I love them so much. Taking part in one as is really the fun side of being a designer.
When I first started up there weren't any to take part in and I had to run them myself if I wanted to show . It's very complicated with a lot of elements to coordinate together and I found the time I had to spend managing the events incondusive to the creativity needed to actually make the clothes. The clothes always seemed to come second place and I was never really happy with my collections .
Fast forward a few years and now I only participate in events that someone else has put together, usually charity events , there are quite a few to chose from but I don't find I can't do them all.
Recently my eye was caught by 'Fashion Able' , a show which started only last year and takes place in Waverly train station of all places ! It's a body positive event, inclusive and fair trade, which are all hot topics right now.
The aim of this show is to include people of all sizes ages and abilities in the world of fashion to encourage body positivity. It's right up my street .
On the rails of my shop I have all sorts of sizes of clothing and I alter to fit on demand. It was therefore less work for me to dress the diverse models than it usually is to put together a collection if size 8s for professional models.
I'm really happy with my collection which came together almost entirely from the rails today, with only a few items having to be made specifically, which were mostly recycled underskirts just to give the outfits an extra element.
I've also incorporated a vintage and second hand elements for the first time.
The story I have put together is Tartan and Leopard. Here are a few of the outfits as a sneak preview .....